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You are one step closer to achieving your goals and becoming an Insider.

During our next call, we will discuss how you can achieve these goals using the

Thinking Into Results Programme. 

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8 Questions That Warrant Your ATTENTION!!!


8 Questions That Warrant

Your Attention

No more effort or energy is required in order to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity, than is required to accept misery and poverty. You may even be aware of someone who has experienced a dramatic increase in their income, seeing them go from earning $40K or $50K a year … to $40K or $50K a month! If and when quantum leaps of this nature take place, you can be assured that a serious paradigm shift has been made.

Paradigms – what are they? Is it a buzzword for the information age?

It very well may be a buzzword – but it’s one to be seriously considered. If you’re like most people, paradigms very likely are controlling every move you make.

So, what are paradigms and why should we be concerned about how they affect our everyday lives? Well, paradigms are a multitude of habits. In most cases, these habits aren’t even originated by you, yet they guide almost every move you make. Paradigms affect the way you eat, the way you walk, even the way you talk. When you understand how to change your paradigm, you will expose yourself to a brand new world of power, possibility and promise. You should be delighted to learn that just changing a very small part of the old paradigm can make an enormous difference in the results you can enjoy in every area of your life.

Think of the areas in your life that money affects. Imagine shifting your paradigm to substantially increase your income. Or if you have difficulty meeting people and you alter the paradigm so that it’s easy and enjoyable to meet people, this could have quite an impact on your life. A paradigm, in a sense, tells you that there is a game, what the game is, and how to play it successfully. A paradigm shift then, is a change to a new game, or a new set of rules. And when the rules change, your whole world can change.

Think of how the world has changed. Hundreds of thousands of people are walking the street today ... they went to school, worked hard, studied long hours, graduated at the top of their class. Twenty years later, these loyal individuals stood proudly near the top of their corporate ladder, shouldering responsibility for big mortgages and small children. However, the corporate paradigm shifted. The ladder was yanked out from underneath them and they found themselves unemployed and in a state of total shock. Is there a problem? An enormous problem! It’s called paradigms. Ninety-some percent of the population keep getting the same results—year in, year out!

The same infinite power flows to and through each one of us, and if we had been taught to develop our higher faculties in the first place, we would understand how and why all things are possible. There will be no permanent change in your life until the paradigm has been changed. Choose one or two limiting ideas that are part of your paradigm and replace them with ideas that represent freedom to you. Consciously keep those new thoughts in your head, and act as if those thoughts are already embedded in the foundation of your life. Before you know it – your life will begin to change – and dramatically!


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